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Class (I)

Regular Class I

Introducing the names of common objects, using everyday words, developing an awareness for phonic sounds, interacting using the English language, learning ways to greet people in the English language, and forming simple sentences of 2-3 words are all focused upon.

Guiding the students on how to properly handle different concrete objects, materials, and models is emphasised. Helping them practise counting up to number 9 is included. Introducing subtraction – example, taking up to 20 objects out of a given collection of objects – and addition through bundling is also included.

As per NEP 2020, the Regional / Local Language (i.e., Tamil) will be taught up to Class V.

Special Classes

Painting Class

Science Lab

Art Class

Music Class

Dance Class

Martial Art Class

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Why Choose SMV School?

Our School focuses on each child’s unique strengths and talents. We aim to transform the classroom knowledge of children to experience practical real-world skills. These skills will facilitate them to achieve their dreams and make their beloved parents feel proud.

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